CVP Cycle 04

Aaghaz Foundation is currently engaged in a campaign to ensure the higher turnout amongst women voters of four National Assembly’s Constituencies in Faisalabad Region. The campaign is all about “Strengthening of Democracy and Governance through Improved Participation of Women Voters” Aaghaz is involved in mobilization, sensitization and education of local communities to play active role in coping with challenges about casting of votes for women, which range from, law and order situation in and around the polling stations restrictions from the community/ tribes or biradar, non-existence of CNIC, absence of name in voters’ lists/ electoral rolls, to insensitivity and disinterest about voting process. The said campaign is being carried out with the support of Citizens Voice Project. The project office of Aaghaz is now located 367-B, Gulistan Colony # 2, Faisalabad.

Umeed Jawan


Aaghaz Foundation was Activism to address violent extremism and gender-based violence for promoting peace in the homes and peace in the society  Lahore Region. The campaign is all about “The Aaghaz Foundation would educate and sensitize student community/ youth groups of city district of Lahore, for promotion of peace at home and peace in the society, through inter/ intra college dialogue, seminars, theater plays, peace walk, painting competition, essay writing competition, display corner/ awareness camps and dissemination of IEC material.   . The said Project had being carried out with the Umeed Jawan: An Initiative for Youth in Southern Punjab. The project office of Aaghaz had been  located 37- Empress road opp. Radio Pakistan Lahore.

CVP Cycle 08

Aaghaz Foundation was  engaged in a Advocacy campaign on Electoral refomrs  in Faisalabad Jhang and Chinot Region. The campaign is all about “To strengthen citizens’ voice through, among others, focused engagements with political parties, media, professional associations and election management body for electoral reforms, as recommended by national and international election observation groups after the General Election 2013, to strengthen citizen oversight of the electoral processes including but not limited to up-gradation of electoral rolls, delimitation of electoral constituencies for greater transparency and accountability. ” Aaghaz was involved in mobilization, sensitization and education of local communities to play active role in coping with challenges about casting of votes, which range from, law and order situation in and around the polling stations, restrictions from the community/ tribes or biradar, non-existence of CNIC, absence of name in voters’ lists/ electoral rolls, to insensitivity and disinterest about voting process. The said campaign had being carried out with the support of Citizens Voice Project. The project office of Aaghaz was located Abdulla pull sumandari road, Faisalabad.

GEP cycle 08


Aaghaz Foundation is currently engaged in Strengthening District Bar Associations and Setting up Facilitation Kiosks in District Court
inLahore Region. The Project  is all about “ Strengthening District Bar Associations and Setting up Facilitation Kiosks in District Court
”Under this theme, Aaghaz is envisaged to improve women’s access to justice by capacitating and strengthening the role of District Bar Associations in GEP select districts. This will be achieved by upholding women’s legal rights, encouraging pro-bono services to women litigants and facilitation of information dissemination hubs for women that seek legal assistance. Such initiatives would encourage women friendly and women inclusive environment for both
women practicing law and women seeking legal assistance.
The said Project is being carried out with the Gender Equity Program (GEP)
. The project office of Aaghaz is now located37 – Empress road Pakistan Lahore .